Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Conservatives are launching a major new initiative to revive local politics by reaching out beyond traditional Party boundaries.

“A big part of the problem facing local Government is the lack of involvement of the kind of important local ‘movers and shakers’ that used to take pride in running our towns” said Torbay Conservative Group leader Kevin Carrol.
“There is actually a lot of common ground amongst bodies like the Civic Society, the Hoteliers, the small business community and the Chamber of Trade but the proper forum for shaping the Bays future is through the local council itself.”
“In recent years we think lots of the influence that should have been there (in the council chamber) has been put off because people have felt that being involved had to be a political act. We want to get away from that preconception”
The Conservatives have decided to try persuading leading members of the bay community to become involved in their campaign.
They are planning an ‘open evening’ at the Town Hall to unveil some of the plans they have for Torbay’s future if they are successful in winning control in local elections due next May.
“We have been working on plans for some time and we want to invite the Bays leading lights to have a look at our vision of the kind of Torbay we want to see” said Conservatives spokesman Marcus Wood “This isn’t going to be an evening about Conservative politics or free market mumbo jumbo - it’s all about what Torbay ought to look like, what kind of place we want the Bay to be to live in, work in and visit.”
The Conservatives hope that new people might be encouraged to stand as Conservative councillors if they understand what it is that a potential future Conservative controlled Council would be trying to achieve.
“We want to find locally successful people who are interested in putting something back in to the Borough. We are especially keen to attract people who wouldn’t normally consider themselves as interested in politics but are genuinely concerned about the future of our glorious Bay.”
“What we are saying is, come a long and have a look at some of the ideas we have for the future of Torbay, and if you like them, join with us.”
The evening will include a slide show presentation showing a few of the ideas to already being looked at, a short presentation to give an idea of the work undertaken by councillors and the commitment required to be one, and an open discussion forum.
It is hoped that Mayor Nick Bye and council chief executive Elizabeth Raikes will be attending.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the Town Hall on the evening of Wednesday March 15th.
Anyone can come along but guests must pre-book their place by calling the Conservatives at the town hall on 01803 207 069.


Barrie Wood said...

I don't suppose I'll be allowed in to see the Tory 'vision' for Torbay will I Marcus ?!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an evening 'touting' for would-be councillors ! Are there no enough Tories of calibre to stand ? Mind you, they tend to defect or later stand in mayoral elections against you !!

Barrie Wood said...

The Tories have adopted yet another meaningless slogan: Built to Last........ sounding as if they imagine the Conservative Party to be a power-tool or a type of woodstain that does exactly what it says on the tin.

Built to Last - better test to destruction !

So with Cameron - who didn't vote for climate change levy - but went 'green', before announcing himself a 'liberal', this week we get 'NuBlue Labour'. All spin and marketing and, despite your denials, it seems the right of your party are getting restless.

There's not much in your new 'vision' document that Blair couldn't agree with. What is becoming of a once great party ? Spin and 'marketing' is all that remains !

Anonymous said...

I've voted conservative all my life (and I'm 79!) but I'm not sure about next time. I feel like all these 'slogans' and policies are making us more like Blair's Labour Party every day. I don't think Cameron is tkaing us the right way.

I feel like voting elsewhere at the next election, probably UKIP as will a lot of my friends. Whislt you're moving into the middle and trying to be cool, Marcus, lots of your core support fall off the end.

From a Silver-Surfer (with a little help from my grandson)

Marcus Wood said...

Hi mr 'Silver Surfer' - thanks for your input and comments.

I recognise the risk of losing the support of people like yourself, I know that Mr Cameron is very aware that we don't want to alienate the 33% of the electorate who have supported the party through thick and thin, and personally I doubt very much that he will.

If you have always voted Conservative you will know that Conservatives have always tried to deliver policies that help people who want to improve themselves, regardless of their background.

Unfortunately in politics it can be easy for opponents to misrepresent you.

Take schools, to my knowledge we have never had a policy of re-introducing the eleven plus in schools, for instance. But judging by the fuss there was when Mr Cameron ruled it out you could have been forgiven for thinking that it had been in our manifesto for years.

We haven't unveiled any firm policy, yet. Mr Cameron has announced a series of policy reviews, which will lead to new policies being announced in about a years time when we will have come up with Conservative answers to the most difficult issues facing our country.

There are at least three years until the next election so there is plenty of time for you to see and evaluate our policies before you have to decide who to vote for.

Obviously I hope that we can win your support by then.

Thanks again for posting your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Unlike your commentator above I like what David Cameron is saying, if it turns out to be true I will consider voting Tory for the first time in my life.

Labour have let us down over Iraq and other things and above all can't be trusted; the Liberal Democrats have turned out to be useless at running Torbay and I have lost faith that they have anything to offer.

I have become deeply distrusting of politicians, so your man will have to work damn hard to convince me he means it.