In fact even now the revelation that there are over 1.1 million foreign nationals working here (instead of the 800,000 we were told) will come as no suprise to anyone who employs casual or unskilled labour in the Bay.
Personally I don't see any problem with our long tradition of welcoming overseas residents here if we have the opportunities and they want to work hard and earn well, although I do accept there are cultural issues if too many want to permanently relocate to our country.
But the awkward question that no-one seems to want to ask is this. Why is it that we apparently have plenty of jobs - enough to encourage hoardes of eastern Europeans here - yet we have 1.1 million 'neets' - perfectly healthy young people who are not in education, employment or training?
We have a minimum wage - so immigrants aren't cheaper to employ.
We have employment working laws that apply equally, so immigrants can't be forced to work for longer, or to work any harder.
So why do the immigrants find work where our own young people apparently cannot?
The complaint from employers is 'no British people are applying' especially for service jobs, caring work and unskilled labour.
So you have a morally indefensible situation. We take millions in tax from immigrants coming from poor countries (for whom the loss is a far greater) - so that we can pay a million or so of our own people for hanging around the streets.
Or is that just too simple?